Wednesday, August 17, 2011

"Values & Judgement vs Experience?"...which is essential to the ability of a candidate?

...I keep hearing that Sarah Palin is not experienced enough for the job.These thoughts come to mind.... the choice of an ATTORNEY GENERAL by JFK....his brother who had not tried a single case....who turned out to be a "FINE CHOICE"....given the opportunity.....but UNPROVEN at the time. Then there's Barack, who I think is well meaning and a good person.But how much experience doe HE have?My point? How much experience have alot of our former presidents had?Some od them great? "Give'm hell" Harry Truman.....just a high school education and some failed businesses....and a shady partner in Pendergast?....isn't it REALLY about doing and saying ANYTHING to try and promote a particualr political party & agenda.....what would the opposing parth & biased media be saying TODAY about these former icons if they were in today's election?.....which brings me to my destination ....isn't judgement and good values more essential for a candidate than "technical political experience" which usually ONLY serves to taint the politicians from the process & "good ole boy" network anyway?.....YOUR THOUGHTS???......not true?......why?

Pamplona bull running in Spain?

I have no sympathy whatsoever if this so called sport is attended by morons knowing the danger then that's what happens disgusting and stupid.What happens to those that have been left behind.

Ringtone download help!?

i downloaded a ringtone tru att and when i receved the text i followed the link to the web. and it said that it wasnt working and that i needed to choose another link but there is no other link. costomer service is no longer open and i dont wanna wait til tomorrow. please help!

Who will win the NFC North division?

the NFC division consists of the Green Bay Packers (6-3), Chicago Bears (5-3), Minnesota Vikings (3-5) and the Detroit Lions (2-6).

Have you ever felt that you didn't belong to any society?

i am originally from Bangladesh but don't get along with them because they show off too much, also don't fit in the north american culture 100% because i am always seen as a minority and a lot of times treated that way. been in Canada since i was 3.

2008 Boston Red Sox Batting Lineup?

PLEASE DON"T LET THE RED SOX GET AROD! It will turn them into the yankees if they shell of 350 mil for arod

Would you consider this manipulative behavior disguised as gift giving?

He's REALLY too busy to call his mother once a fortnight? Garbage. Yes, she probably is sending gifts to ensure contact, but I don't see it as manipulative, just a woman that desperately loves and misses her son and granddaughter. What's your problem? Your husband doesn't have any issues with it, it's obviously not you that has to speak to her, although maybe if you did you would have less problems. How are you going to feel when your daughter grows up and is too busy to call you once every two weeks? Maybe you feel like it would be ok to go for a year or two without talking to the person you love most in the world? You sound extremely selfish. Get over yourself.