Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Dream ysis - any ideas?

Well you know there are bad things going on all over the world involving cruelty to people and animals and you know you can't control or stop these things on a big scale. Myself I am not happy re the slaughter of the whales by the Japanese (and the Norwegians I think too?) . Anyway you care about all the horrible stuff that you see and hear about on the news etc. Maybe you need to get actively involved in animal rights issues or join a society for instance for the prevention of cruelty to animals (dogs in particular?). Maybe that way you can do something that might make a difference to animal welfare. Maybe you have a "calling" to be an Aid worker of some kind. Yes that could be it that you know bad things are actually happening and that you need to take an active part even if in your own location and your dreams are pulling you to do just that???

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