Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Why does god let little children be exploited in thailand,malaysia all over by creeps??

..he could so end all this despicable behavior..these people truly are monsters/demons on earth/wouldnt he spare th innocent/that are without sin/he just has to show up once..and everyone would straighten up!!..this has been going on for time immimorial..all the preaching/pssing the basket to build 300 million dollar churches/bentley for preachers/and the children in the dark recesses or the world/and the usa.are being victimized and brutilized/all that basket money collected.could create a national force to stop it.that is the problem i ahve with religion.its always wait another generation he will come whether ala.jesus.mohammed..meanwhile the :"evil" that men do persisits.are we that nieve.why doesnt man rise up and stamp out evil.the billions and billions.in gambling.stock market and we cant open a eye to our most precious est.."oh someone else can do it."...thoughts? every man .woman on the planet should look in the mirror and ask what can i do...and show public outrage

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