Wednesday, August 17, 2011

"Values & Judgement vs Experience?"...which is essential to the ability of a candidate?

...I keep hearing that Sarah Palin is not experienced enough for the job.These thoughts come to mind.... the choice of an ATTORNEY GENERAL by JFK....his brother who had not tried a single case....who turned out to be a "FINE CHOICE"....given the opportunity.....but UNPROVEN at the time. Then there's Barack, who I think is well meaning and a good person.But how much experience doe HE have?My point? How much experience have alot of our former presidents had?Some od them great? "Give'm hell" Harry Truman.....just a high school education and some failed businesses....and a shady partner in Pendergast?....isn't it REALLY about doing and saying ANYTHING to try and promote a particualr political party & agenda.....what would the opposing parth & biased media be saying TODAY about these former icons if they were in today's election?.....which brings me to my destination ....isn't judgement and good values more essential for a candidate than "technical political experience" which usually ONLY serves to taint the politicians from the process & "good ole boy" network anyway?.....YOUR THOUGHTS???......not true?......why?

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