Wednesday, August 17, 2011

If this amount of suspicion, allegations, accusations (of steroid use) were being leveled at Mayweather, would?

I don't care who you are if you refuse a blood test for $40 million and then make hollow excuses as to why you won't take it, then people will accuse you of being at the least maybe on PED's and at the most positive you are on them. If Floyd refused people would be on him worse than they are on Pacquiao, but either way no matter which fighter it is the one who refuses should look worse in my opinion. It's one thing if you don't want to be pushed around, but if you are asked to do it then refuse people will criticize you, and eventually the only way to prove them wrong will be to take the test and p. If it were Floyd refusing I would say man up, take the test and show people you are clean. If it were Pacquiao like it was I would say the same, man up and take the test to show the public you are a clean athlete who got to where you are by pure skill. I just don't see how you can look at whoever is refusing a test to show they are clean would not be the bad guy in the situation.

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