Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Precisely when are The "REVERENDS" Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson going to be held accountable for asinating

When I picture these two, it with them sitting in front of a tv flipping through the channels, just looking for something to do. Whenever you see ruffled feathers, drama and fur flying, you are sure to find these two either in the thick of it or just arriving to add their two cents. They should be told that if they are not part of the solution they are part of the problem. Most often, I think they just let them spout off and then disregard them. Especially Al Sharpton, people just kind of shake their heads at him now, he has only himself to blame at his "clownish" reputation. When I see a news report on anything, it should be reported in an unbiased manner so that I can make up my own mind so I give them the respect of listening but that doesn't mean I believe in what they are saying.

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