Friday, August 12, 2011

Clothing Advice?

hey. i am 13 years old and i need some help on fashion advice my parents and i moved into a new house so money is quite short and im ending up wearing the same shirts and jeans everyday i really don't talk that much and so it makes it harder for people to talk to me i just want a place to shop that is affordable like $10- $20 for jeans, shirts tops you know and i want to know how to put it all together ive tried target it's affordable but the clothes arn't that great ive also tried old navy, gap, macy's, khols, ... no luck so any stores that i don't know about that have suprisingly good clothes let me know please because im working on a tottally different look for 8th grade and i want to look fab and confident thank you. XOXOXO

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