Monday, August 8, 2011

Just need some advice.?

I know it is really tough at 16 to understand that people's head are all over the place....mostly due to the hormone imbalances they are undergoing...You can like or even think you love someone one day..and you hate them the next...and just because you had a crush on someone first..does not make that person offlimits to anyone....even best friends...nor does it commit that person to you just because you were the first to talk to them..I know it must hurt..but there is really nothing you can do about it except move on....I am sure neither of them wanted to hurt you...find someone else you like and pursue him...Life is too short to get stressed and bitter about what others think, do or say..You can only control what you think, do or say...and as long as you know you are a good person and you did your best...that should sound like you are a nice person ...and there are a ton of guys out there that will be glad you are....Buck up...and don't sweat the small have a lifetime ahead of you....stay positive, happy and enjoy it....

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