Thursday, August 11, 2011

Please advice because it is so true!?

I met a girl not even one month ago in a party. She was damn beautiful and laid back. We wanted to jump on each other on our first conversation. We had the strongest connection ever. We met couple times later and the connection just grow crazy. She invited me over to her place...and we spend the whole night talking and kissing...It was another dimension for both of us. It is not even one month and we feel like we know each other for years. We are very happy but we both are scared because it is so strong and so true. We snuggle, we kiss, but we still didn't make love...We don't want to lose each other...Very true and positive experience but very overwhelming coz we say to each other I love you in a very short time...We both have experience and we know what love means. We both need inspiration and being more strong to handle it. We decided to go to church and keep our relationship based on pure love and respect...We don't want it to be transformed to a plattonic relationship because we both are so confused to what happen...So reciprocal. Thank you for your advice! What should we do to make it the least confusing for both of us? Your advice is highly appreciated. We both feel the strong urge to make love when we are together but we stop at the same time....I feel like she is me and I feel like I am her!!

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