Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Why are our politcal figures under a microscope in a recession?

Ok, not recession. we are guaranteed a depression! If it weren't for all the bailouts. We would have been in a full scale depression worst than the last one 4 months ago. And to answer your question. 1 wrong move and you and I both are completely ******. Are you aware that america is the most in debt country in the world? And that every american statistically owes the chinese 6 grand!?! And whats worse is the media doesn't even mention how much this country owes the federal Reserve. We are so in hot it is not even funny. 1 wrong move and more than 80% of the businesses in this country could go out of business. And that includes the grocery stores. If the grocery stores go out of business, you and me could starve to death. That is why are leaders are being watched so darn closely. Get out of la la land and snap into reality fool.

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